[CQ-Contest] N1MM+ Beta Testing

Pete Smith N4ZR n4zr at contesting.com
Wed Aug 20 07:50:50 EDT 2014

Since we began the public beta test of N1MM Logger+, over 1000 people 
have downloaded the Full Installer, but only about 300 of those are 
keeping up with the daily updates, and only about 370 have joined the 
N1MMLoggerPlus e-mail group on Yahoo.

Two requests:

If you want to help us test N1MM+, please join the Yahoo group.  It's 
theonly public channelfor discussion of the new program, and if you want 
to help us test you have to be there.

Please stay current.  We are updating pretty much every day. As you can 
imagine, something that was reported yesterday may well have been fixed 
in today's update.  If you report something that has already been fixed, 
it's a big waste of time for everyone involved.

Thanks and 73,

The N1MM Development Team

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