[CQ-Contest] Ohio QSO Party - TODAY!

K8MR via CQ-Contest cq-contest at contesting.com
Sat Aug 23 08:53:24 EDT 2014

Today, Saturday, 1600z to 0400z  (noon to  midnight EDT)

80-10 meters. No digital. Exchange serial number and QTH.  Multipliers by 
band. 3825 - 7200 - 14250 - 21300 -28450 on SSB, 45 up on  CW.

Work the mobiles and W1AW/8 stations again as they change  counties!

Propagation sounds good, and no RTTY contest this weekend to  mess things 
up on 40!

Full info at   www.ohqp.org

Hope  to see you there.

73   -  Jim   K8MR  

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