[CQ-Contest] WRTC 18 Qualifying

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Wed Dec 3 16:13:51 EST 2014

On 12/03/2014 10:53 AM, Mats Strandberg wrote:

> You give a picture that many Americans would be "discouraged" to work
> you in case they knew it was the Russian DX Contest?  Would you imagine
> many Russians thinking the same way about the American Contest CQWW?

I didn't say this was right or wrong. I'm just telling you that the 
non-contester American might give out a QSO if begged, but is less 
likely to give out a QSO if he knows it's a Russian contest.

>  I
> would not think any Russian contesters at all would think in that
> direction. Russian participation in ARRL DX is also much better than
> American participation in RDXC, so I maintain my opinion it is good that
> excellent contests like WAE and RDXC get global exposure beyond the
> "normal" audience.

It might be good, but it is not the current reality. WAE is an Eastern 
USA and Western Asia-to-Europe contest, and RDXC is a European contest 
that also draws in Asian Russians. The only extended audience that the 
WRTC-2018 rules will bring are a few dozen Americans that are competing 
for a team leader slot. Too bad that RDXC is in the winter, or it would 
make an ideal contest venue for WRTC-2018, rather than IARU.

Steve, N2IC

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