[CQ-Contest] Dupes

john at kk9a.com john at kk9a.com
Mon Dec 15 13:20:17 EST 2014

It is frustrating to call a station only to have him abruptly send "QSO
B4" and then call CQ again without giving you a chance to respond. Now
your choices are to just move on or try again and have a long discussion
hoping to convince him to work you. One time at P40A I got on late in the
CQ 160m contest. I had zero QSOs in my log and the first guy that I called
sent QSO B4! I think it is a much better practice to work all dupes. I do,
it typically takes much less than 20 seconds and some of them may actually
be new contacts.

John KK9A

To:	cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject:	[CQ-Contest] Dupes
From:	Tom Osborne <w7why at frontier.com>
Date:	Mon, 15 Dec 2014 09:15:35 -0800

Why do stations still give the 'qso b4' message when someone calls?

I called a certain ZL and was rewarded with a 'qso b4' reply. That
station, or none with anything like their callsign, was in my log. If I
had a ZL something or other that was close, I'd think maybe I busted the
call, but no such callsign in my log.

If more experienced contesters call you and it is a dupe, something
probably was not logged correctly on your end or theirs. It takes about 20
seconds to just work the dupe and move on.

Now this ZL is going to get a nil from W7WHY.  73

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