[CQ-Contest] Dupes

Robert Chudek - K0RC k0rc at citlink.net
Wed Dec 17 01:41:03 EST 2014

I am an adamant supporter of never using QSO B4, just rework the station 
and move on... up until last weekend...  now there's a slight crack in 
my adamancy!  I liked that our stride was not broken but appending "B4" 
to his serial number gave me the chance to catch my mistake. I wish I 
had wrote down his call sign... I don't remember who it was.

73 de Bob - KØRC in MN

On 12/16/2014 11:42 AM, Tom Osborne wrote:
> The difference here is that you noticed you mistyped the call and had 
> it wrong.
> My instance was in the 10 meter contest this weekend when a ZL station 
> gave me QSO B4 and there was nothing in my log even close to his 
> call.  W7WHO was also in the contest so it could be that his SCP 
> pulled that call out or something.  Cost me a Q and a mult.  Now he'll 
> get a NIL.  Luckily I worked another ZL later for the mult. 73
> Tom W7WHY
> On 12/15/2014 5:47 PM, Robert Chudek - K0RC wrote:
>> I had an interesting exchange on 10m CW this past weekend. I was in 
>> S&P mode and came across a station, typed in his call, and sent my 
>> call. He came back with his next serial number but appended "B4" at 
>> the end. Sure enough, I had mistyped his call sign so it did not show 
>> up as a dupe in my logger. I sent "R SRI" and I got back an "E E". I 
>> went on my way with only a few seconds lost to my typo. Obviously 
>> that was a seasoned operator on the other end and this worked out well.
>> 73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
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