[CQ-Contest] Need clarification from DL1MGB

Braco OE1EMS oe1ems at emssolutions.at
Wed Dec 17 06:44:01 EST 2014


i agree with you 

but i dont know if any presure can bring some changes!

Even on BCC (Bavarain Contest Club) no one more responsible OM´s didn’t make
any comment on complain about rules!

However I found as well very funny that WAG is on the list for qualification
and more funny are those 900 Points (EUHFC and ARRL 800 only)
And as well 1000 points for WAE sounds pretty much to me! 

You are not alone who is thinking about not go for qualification points!


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] Im Auftrag von
Tonno Vahk
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 17. Dezember 2014 11:37
An: 'Christian Janssen DL1MGB'; cq-contest at contesting.com
Betreff: Re: [CQ-Contest] Need clarification from DL1MGB


Is this a joke? It can't be true in reality that the organizers meant to
have assisted and non-assisted in the same qualification category and the
scores compared to each other!

So far I thought the rules were clear that:

*Assisted scores are compared against Unassisted scores

And not opposite! Meaning that in case the unassisted winner scored higher
then assisted winner, the assisted winner would not get 1000 points but
proportionally less.

But surely the Unassisted scores can't be compared to Assisted and the
Unassisted winner downgraded from 1000 if the Assisted winner makes a higher

They are in completely different categories.

If what you said below Chris is indeed true and not an interpretation
mistake then this it totally absurd. 

And unfortunately what you say about following "feedback" and concluding
something is also absurd. If indeed you had asked for feedback officially I
am sure that me as well as many other contesters would have given you clear
feedback. Now it seemed just a waste of time to lament in some mailing list
organizers having already shown that they could not care less about the
opinion of the contesting community by not giving them any chance to comment
the draft of the qualification rules before actually announcing them final.

Did you ever ask for any feedback prior to announcing the "final" rules? I
did not see.

Naturally I am strongly supporting the numerous requests in the very list
about reducing the number of qualification events and/or prolonging the time
from 2 years to 3 (2 years and 12 contests simply puts such a burden on
entrants that not the best but those having the time and resources will
qualify, many give up just because they can't make it physically - I am
considering giving up myself for the family and other reasons).

And also giving MS the 1.0 factor. As for MS it is clear that those ops
using the score for qualification and targeting WRTC are the ones driving
any MS operation. No reason to think that somebody gets credited unfairly.

If indeed the organizers are ready to actually listen to the contesting
community then please say so clearly and give everyone chance to speak.  A
few open polls would be a great idea.


-----Original Message-----
From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
Christian Janssen DL1MGB
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 9:40 PM
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Need clarification from DL1MGB

Hi Ranko and others,

regarding your calculations:

The 14 points assisted gets 1000 points.
The 10 points unassisted gets 714 points.

Of course you are always free to discuss the qualification rules and we are
always open to any comment. But with the discussions we followed on
different mailing lists and the feedback we got from several contesters, we
came to the conclusion that there is no reason to make changes to the
already published rules (expcept the two typos we already corrected).

73s Chris DL1MGB
President WRTC2018 Organizing Committee

Am 16.12.2014 15:30, schrieb 4O3A:
> Hi Chris,
> would you be so kind to clafiry what exactly mean definition below:
> *Assisted scores are compared against Unassisted scores.
> If someone make in CQWW as unassisted - 10 points Another guy make in 
> same contest as assisted - 14 points
> What are final scores for WRTC qualification? Both 1000, of Assisted 
> with 14 points gets 1000, and unassisted guy will get 1000 x 10/14?
> I am also curious - Does it have any sense to still discuss some 
> qualification rules, or rules are final, and comments are useless?
> 73
> Ranko
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