[CQ-Contest] Let's ban SO2R, too

Igor Sokolov ua9cdc at gmail.com
Mon Feb 3 15:15:33 EST 2014

It is even more annoying, when some Multy answers your CQ, you give him a 
report and he does not come back immediately because 2 or 3 other operators 
of that multy keep ptt locked. At the same time there are other couple of 
callers on your frequency waiting for their turn and you did not answer them 
first, because multy was a lot stronger. May be we need to ban multy single 
as well :)
73, Igor UA9CDC

>I find it very annoying to answer someone's CQ and they don't respond 
>immediately cuz they're making a QSO on the other radio :-)
> Barry W2UP
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