[CQ-Contest] The day the music died... no, the day the contest died.

Charles Harpole hs0zcw at gmail.com
Tue Feb 4 08:01:04 EST 2014

In 2021,  hams will still be reminiscing about the day in 2017 when a
contest died.  It just died.

What happened is that NO ONE, just no one, ever went S&P, hunt and pounce.
The bands were full of fast CQ calling runners, no shortage, but that time,
no one tuned around and did not even use Spots, RBN, ATSO (Automatic Total
Station Operation, where the op is not present), SO5R, nor BSRO (Beach Side
Remote Operations).
CSA (Computerized Scoring Analysis) was easy because everyone scored zero.
Contest sponsors did not even print any awards paper.   That was quite a
day !    We will remember it well.  73,
Charly, HS0ZCW

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