[CQ-Contest] CQ

Bill Parry bparry at rgv.rr.com
Tue Feb 4 12:10:31 EST 2014

I have been reading a lot of talk about the imminent demise of CQ, but no
one has any real knowledge. I like most have had a problem with late CQ
magazines for the last couple of months. So rather than posting
unsubstantiated stuff I e-mailed the magazine and got this response.  (I
hope he doesn't mind if I post his e-mail:

"We apologize for the delays. The problems are on our end, and unfortunately
are still there. We are doing what we can to resolve the issues, but it will
likely be another couple of months before we're back on track. We will be
getting both January and February on their way as soon as possible. Thank
you for your ongoing patience.

Rich, W2VU"

That sounds good enough for me. I have been a subscriber for many years and
am a life member of ARRL and I like my CQ and QST magazines. Let's not write
CQ off so quickly. I intend to renew my subscription next month. I really
like the articles, ads, contests and intend to support CQ!

Bill W5VX

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