[CQ-Contest] Dayton Rooms Available At The Crowne Plaza

k8mfo at aol.com k8mfo at aol.com
Mon Feb 10 21:01:04 EST 2014

I assist W8ZET in administering a block of rooms at The Crowne Plaza in downtown Dayton.   This is still the major hub of nighttime activity at the Hamvention.

As is the case in most years, some of our regulars are unable to attend Hamvention this year.

We have a few KING ROOMS available    ...  that means they have ONE king sized bed.    If you are interested, please contact me directly.   There are some contractual requirements:

First, there is a three night minimum stay  ...

Secondly, we will need a deposit for the first night.   With all TAXES INCLUDED, this comes to $180.07.    You will be responsible for the additional nights at check out from the hotel.          All our rooms have Club Floor privileges, which is a nice touch to an already great experience at Hamvention.

If you are interested in one of these rooms,  NOW is the time to say so.    You should be prepared to provide your days of arrival and departure, and also expect to submit a deposit.



Don Karvonen   K8MFO      k8mfo AT AOL.COM

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