[CQ-Contest] UBA DX Contest CW next weekend

Marc Domen on7ss.oo9o at gmail.com
Thu Feb 20 14:20:51 EST 2014

Hi all,

We invite you all to participate in the 27th edition of the UBA DX Contest
CW next weekend.
Starts at 13:00 UTC on saturday february 22 until 12:59 UTC on sunday the

Complete rules can be found here

Please pay attention to the deadline for the logs wich is March 9, 23:59
UTC.  Late logs will be considered checklogs.

Also please pay attention to the correct cabrillo format.
More info on how to edit your log if needed can be found here.

Happy Contesting

73  Marc, ON7SS - OO9O
UBA HF Contest Manager

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