[CQ-Contest] This IS cheating, right?

Rick Lindquist, WW1ME ww1me at roadrunner.com
Sat Feb 22 12:12:24 EST 2014

Okay, conditions for the CQ 160 SSB have been extremely noisy for many of us
along the Eastern Seaboard. Operators have routinely been CQing in the face
of several callers, and few seem to be able to hear me, although I did snag
HK1NA and a guy in Iowa, so the antenna system still works, such as it is.


Anyway, I digress. A station came back to me, but I could not copy his state
among the static crashes, so I asked for a repeat. The op comes back: "Okay,
thanks, Eric, for Maine." Well, two problems here: (1) I had not given him
his report yet (and never did), and (2) I never use my given name on or off
the air - I go by "Rick." The logical conclusion here is that he had his
logger set to look up on the Internet stations he was working, and he got my
given name AND my exchange info from a call sign database.


I don't expect to log more than a few dozen Qs in this event, but his will
not be among the ones I submit, even though it was a needed mult.


Rick, WW1ME


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