[CQ-Contest] Thanks Don VE3RM

Gerry Hull gerry at yccc.org
Thu Feb 27 06:59:23 EST 2014

Don and I were kindred spirits, as we shared Canadian suffixes and
heritage...  We kept bumping into each other, from HF through VHF/UHF on
the air in contests,
and finally we met in person at Dayton, where we had a fantastic time.
 Thought I never had an opportunity to operate with him at his station, I
know he was an excellent station host, and always had a whopping signal on
the bands.

I'll miss him.

RIP Don.  Rest Well.   Dit Dit


Gerry, VE1RM / W1VE

On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 10:26 PM, rob <wa1fcn at charter.net> wrote:

> Some of you may know of the recent passing of Don VE3RM.
> I remember him well from the early  1990's.  I had the pleasure of
> operating his station once in CQ WW and once in ARRL DX both
> on CW weekends.  His staion to this day is the only one I ever operated
> outside the US. His kindness remains with me to this day. He would
> pick me up at the airport and a nice weekend of contesting and radio
> stories would follow. I am glad I kept several pictures of us taken during
> these weekends.   You are missed allready Don.   RIP
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