[CQ-Contest] Webinar - The Reverse Beacon Network - Spots and More

Ken Claerbout k4zw at verizon.net
Wed Jan 1 21:09:08 EST 2014

The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF) is please to host a 
Webinar presentation by Pete Smith, N4ZR, as he shows us how to use the 
Reverse Beacon Network for spots, antenna testing, and real-time HF 
propagation information.  To learn more about the WWROF or to help support 
their mission, please go to www.wwrof.org

Title:  The Reverse Beacon Network - Spots and More
Date:  Saturday, February 1
Time:  20:00 UTC
Registration Link: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/583536138

Ken K4ZW

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