[CQ-Contest] Contesting BUTT-IN-CHAIR Comfort

K6VVA - Rick cqtest99 at k6vva.com
Sun Jan 19 19:12:09 EST 2014

Several years ago I did an NCJ Article about the Relaxobak Deluxe Orthopedic

For those who may have missed it and have been experiencing TCBS (Tired
Contesting Butt Syndrome), the product name has changed and I think a few
tweaks to make it even better.


I carry one of these Bad Boys inside the hardshell case lid (removed the
foam) of one of my Expedition travel cases, 'cuz I want a comfortable butt
and tailbone wherever I end up operating from...including remote KL7 IOTA
Islands where there are no posh swivel chairs, etc.

At home, I have one on both the shack and another swivel chair, as well as
one always in my Tahoe.  Amazingly, I can drive longer distances and am less
'stiff' when I get out of the vehicle since using this cushion.

IMHO, these things are the greatest thing since sliced bread for butt &
tailbone comfort....anytime...anywhere...ESPECIALLY during Contests or other
operating venues.

I just noticed 'FREE SHIPPING On All Orders Over $50' indicated on the
product website.  Sounds like a heck of a savings for any Contest Club

FYI & 73,

Rick - K 6 V V A * The Locust

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