[CQ-Contest] CQ WPX rules, it finally happened

Toivo Hallikivi toivo.hallikivi at gmail.com
Fri Jan 31 08:47:59 EST 2014

If this is really true then, IMO, this is just about the dumbest rule ever!

Every decent operator can figure out what is the right strategy for maximizing the rate & score in a certain situation. Sometimes it’s ID-ing after every QSO, sometimes after 3 QSO’s, occasionally perhaps after 4 or 5 QOS’s. Do we really need to regulate this by rules? 

What if a good op works 4 QSO’s in a pile-up in 30-40 seconds and only ID-s after the 4th one? Unsportsmanlike, disqualify? Indeed – you had to wait for half a minute to find out his call sign. At the same time another op who’s not that fast ID-s every 3 QSO’s according to the rules but it takes him 2 minutes to work those 3 QSO’s. Now what – you had to wait at least twice as long to get his call sign – disqualify him for being slow? What if the fast guy obeys the rules and ID-s after every 3 QSO’s but does it so fast (on CW) that you can’t copy the call sign - make another rule that forces everyone ID at 10 WPM?

How do you think this new rule is going to impact the QRP’ers and small pistols with weak signals? Imagine a situation when there are 4 callers, one of them being a QRP-guy. The DX-op would normally work the 4 guys without ID-ing, including the QRP-guy. With that new rule the DX is forced to ID after the 3rd QSO even though he knows there was a weak guy calling him as well. As a result a new set of (louder) callers will appear and the QRP-guy will never work the DX. Makes sense?

Just my 2 c,

Toivo, ES2RR

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