[CQ-Contest] Contest University at ARRL Centennial celebration

Tim Duffy k3lr at k3lr.com
Tue Jul 1 13:38:33 EDT 2014

For the first time in the last eight years there will be a second CTU
offered in the USA during 2014.
CTU Centennial will occur on Thursday, July 17, 2014 in Hartford, CT as part
of the ARRL Centennial celebration.

Centennial Contest University - Hartford, CT.
Facilitator: Tim Duffy, K3LR - Contest University Chairman


“Contesting Hints & Kinks” - Ward Silver, NØAX
“Ergonomics for Contest Stations” - Doug Grant, K1DG
“Low Band Receiving Antennas for Smaller Lots” - Frank Donovan W3LPL
“Multi Operator Contest Planning” - Tim Duffy, K3LR
“Tips for Being a Better Single Operator” - Randy Thompson, K5ZD
“The Essentials of RTTY Contesting” - Dennis Egan, W1UE

More information and registration (the class is filling up fast) for CTU
Centennial 2014 is available here:


Registration deadline is July 7, 2014.

Tim K3LR

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