[CQ-Contest] contesting.com certificate?

Leigh S. Jones, KR6X kr6x at kr6x.com
Fri Jul 18 18:06:06 EDT 2014

Secure server certificates are the method of implementation of encryption for HTTPS protocol websites.  They cost money when purchased from the typical issuer, but have the advantage that the issuer is promising to whomever is browsing there that the web site is what it says it is.  It sounds like someone at contesting.com is a little late renewing the certificate.  Probably this doesn't mean that you are endangered by visiting Contesting.com right now, but I'd begin to get concerned about the security of passwords exchanged if this went on for a very long time.  The owner of the web site was once W4AN, who passed away suddenly while still a young man, and the site is now being managed by one of the hams close to him -- I think he took over Bill's online businesses or perhaps is just working at Bill's online businesses.  I'm sure you can find his e-mail address somewhere on the web site.  

Leigh S. Jones, KR6X

> On Jul 18, 2014, at 11:38, Barry <w2up at comcast.net> wrote:
> When I went to contesting.com, Firefox is telling me the site may be unsafe as its certificate has expiered.  Anyone know anything about this?
> Barry W2UP
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