[CQ-Contest] Happy Birthday to the Arizona Outlaws Contest Club - 5 Years Old Today

K8IA via CQ-Contest cq-contest at contesting.com
Fri Jun 6 00:30:18 EDT 2014

The below email went to the 140+ Arizona Outlaws today. Several of the  
members thought it would be good to share with CQ-Contest and N0AX as  well.
73, Bob K8IA
To all Arizona Outlaws;
Five years ago today, June 5, 2009, email  invitations began the  
for the Arizona Outlaws Contest Club. It took  less than a  day to attract 
56 paid members and 83 members within 3 days. It grew   to over 120 members 
within a month.

Since then we have grown to one  of  the finest contest clubs in the USA. 
Check out our Accomplishments,  on the club  webpage. Some fairly 
line items   there:


The   original AOCC "Founding Five" group were;
AB7E, K7WP, K8IA, KC7V and   N7RQ

The November/December 2010 National Contest Journal had AOCC  as  their 
Club Spotlight". Great history, 

The above were  joined by W7ZR  making our first group of officers/BOD, and 
they served  in these positions thru  May 2013

(June 2009-May 2013)
Bob  Epstein K8IA, President
Richard  Zalewski W7ZR, North Region VP
Mike  Fulcher KC7V, Central Region VP
Dave  Gilbert AB7E, South Region  VP
Sandy Farley N7RQ,  Secretary-Treasurer/Webmistress
John Arthurs  K7WP,  PR/Awards

Present AOCC Officers/BOD thru May 2015
Mike  Fulcher  KC7V - President
Bud Semon N7CW - North Region VP
Andy  Warycka NY7N -  Central Region VP
Bill Straw KO7AA - South Region  VP
Larry Reader KE2VB -  Secretary-Treasurer
John Arthurs K7WP,  PR/Awards

What a great ride it  has been and more yet to come. The  60 or so members 
that are continually active,  pat yourself on the  back. The 30 or so that 
active now and then, many tnx.  Others, see  if you can be more active and 
help our scores. Help is available to   all.

Happy Birthday AOCC!

73, Bob K8IA  

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