[CQ-Contest] 2014 AQP

KC4HW/Jim kc4hw at centurytel.net
Sat Jun 7 08:11:07 EDT 2014

Well I will be leaving the house in a few minute to start my 2014 AQP 
Journey.  My route will take me over 350 miles (that is if I don't get 

There are 12 mobiles in the event--tied for the most ever.  Some of 
these folks as well as Fixed and Club station will be new to HF radio 
and contesting, please try to make then feel welcome to this great 
segment of our hobby.  If you run across a slow (like me) CW op, 
please nuture their desire to participate in this element of our hobby.

It looks like all counties will be active, so perhaps you can be first to 
win the Worked All Counties plaque--no one has won it before!  BTW, 
there are 21 total plaques that will be award for DX, US and Alabama 

If you are planning to operate in the AQP this year, then I truly 
appreciate your participation and support.  

Again thanks!  After operating, please send us your log!

Take care es 73

Alabama Contest Group
Alabama QSO Party

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