[CQ-Contest] CQ WPX CW Raw Scores Posted

Terry Zivney n4tz at arrl.net
Sat Jun 7 21:09:24 EDT 2014

The raw claimed scores for the 2014 WPX CW Contest are now available 
online at http://www.cqwpx.com/claimed.htm?mode=cw

The listing shows raw scores as calculated by the WPX log checking software
prior to any checking. This should give participants a good indication of
their category placement at the World, Continent, or Country level.  Score
reductions of 2% to 15% (or more) are possible, so we will have to wait for
the log checking process before final results can be announced.

Please check that your entry is in the correct category. Report any errors
or questions to director at cqwpx.com.  Do NOT resubmit your log to 'fix'
any problems! 

Thanks to everyone who submitted their log. It's not too late to send 
pictures or stories to be including in the final writeup.

Terry N4TZ, CQ WPX Contest Director

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