[CQ-Contest] 2014 CWopsT - 1300Z Jun 18 - All 3830 Claimed Scores 20Jun2014

n7wa at arrl.net n7wa at arrl.net
Fri Jun 20 14:53:07 EDT 2014

2014 CWopsT - 1300Z Jun 18 - All 3830 Claimed Scores 20Jun2014

Complete web listing of scores with clickable links to individual postings is available at: http://www.3830scores.com/currecscores.php?arg=0WfqcNzlficqJ

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: Jun 21, 2014
E-mail logs to: (none)
Mail logs to:
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://conteststations.com/

73 dink

Call               QSOs  Mlts   hr      Score Club
All Single Op HP
N4AF               125    83           10,375 PVRC
NW2K               114    76     1      8,664 NCC
WJ9B                91    69     1      6,279 PVRC
K1GU                87    59     1      5,133 TCG
W4BQF               83    59   1.0      4,897 GaCG
N5ZO                73    59     1      4,307 SCCC
VE3KI               75    52     1      3,900 CCO
F5IN                69    52     1      3,588 
VE2FK               61    55     1      3,355 CG Que
K6RB                62    54  0.75      3,348 

W5ZR                61    54     1      3,294 LACC
N3JT                62    47            2,914 
W4NZ                49    44    .5      2,156 TCG
NS9I                53    37     1      1,961 BzDXCC
N5IR                56    35   1.0      1,960 DFWCG
K1SM                52    37     1      1,924 
W0VX                54    33     1      1,782 
N4FP                46    34     1      1,564 FCG
KJ9C                36    30            1,080 SMC
F6HKA               26    22     1        572 

PA4N                25    22  0:50        550 
AC4CA               21    21   :20        441 CTDXCC
JF2IWL              20    20   1.0        400 
SE4E(SM4DQE)        21    18     1        378 SK4DM
F5MNK               19    18     1        342 
KC4D                16    16   0.2        256 PVRC
G4BUE               11    11   0.2        121 
JA9CWJ               5     5     1         25 
OH2BN                3     3 15min          9 

Call               QSOs  Mlts   hr      Score Club
All Single Op LP
K7SV                84    56     1      4,704 PVRC
N4YDU               74    53     1      3,922 
W3KB                72    52     1      3,744 FRC
K3MD                64    54            3,456 FRC
W7ZRC               60    46     1      2,760 
KA7T                54    48     1      2,592 
K5FP                51    44     1      2,244 CTDXCC
K1DW                50    41     1      2,050 Lou CC
AA2ZW               46    42   .45      1,932 NFR
W4VQ                48    36     1      1,728 

W5ASP               42    38     1      1,596 TDXS
K4RUM               39    39     1      1,521 
K9MM                43    33            1,419 NIDXA
W4TTM               42    31     1      1,302 
KG5U                39    32     1      1,248 CTDXCC
N4DW                33    30  0:33        990 TCG
W2GN                32    28     1        896 RDXA
K0DTJ               28    28     1        784 
NO5W                28    26     1        728 Lou CC
N5RR                26    26  0:22        676 

SI5Y(SM5BKK)        29    23     1        667 
K2CYE               25    25 20 Mi        625 FRC
K4JAZ               26    23     1        598 
NN4K                26    22     1        572 SECC
W9CC                26    22     1        572 
KK4XX               25    21     1        525 PVRC
N0AC                24    21              504 IaDXCC
N3MNT               22    19     1        418 
SF3A(SM3CER)        21    18     1        378 TOEC
NW0M                19    19   :15        361 Kansas City Contest 

DJ1OJ               19    19     1        361 BCC
WX7SJ               19    19     1        361 
WN4AFP              17    15   .75        255 SECC
N0TA                15    15  0.25        225 Grand Mesa
SM0Y(SM0OY)         14    14     1        196 BSCC
KW7Q                12    11   :12        132 
K8QI                11    11              121 
NN6T                11    11     1        121 CWOPS
JA1GZV              12     8               96 
JA7QVI               8     8               64 

W0EJ                 4     4    .5         16 

Call               QSOs  Mlts   hr      Score Club
All Single Op QRP
KU7Y                30    25     1        750 NCCC
VE3MGY              12    10   .75        120 CCO


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