[CQ-Contest] (no subject)

Tim Shoppa tshoppa at gmail.com
Tue Mar 4 11:22:41 EST 2014

> [Field Day] The rules are clear that Class D are not supposed to work
Class D!

The rules are clear that Class D working Class D doesn't count for any
points. But... I think it would be entirely in the spirit of the activity
to work them, put them in the log, and enjoy the QSO nonetheless.

You can't actually "know" that the other guy is class D until you work him
so it's not quite the same as the original example of DX contest.

Most logging software makes it easy to put a zero-pointer in the log. No
contest I know of will issue any penalty for these showing up in the
Cabrillo. (Paper log check rules may be different). But from some of the
arguments I've heard on the air just this past weekend and past contests
over the years, some logging software may not allow zero-pointer or dupe. I
heard a long minute long conversation between two well-known stations about
a NIL, where one was insisting that they can just work the dupe and put it
in again, and the other insisting no it is impossible for him to work a

Tim N3QE

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