[CQ-Contest] CQ Magazine Continuance

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at w0mu.com
Wed Mar 12 13:48:04 EDT 2014

Where are my printed copies that I paid for?

Mike W0MU

On 3/12/2014 10:30 AM, Jorge Diez - CX6VM wrote:
> Hello
> Today is available digital edition of March issue.
> Really is MARCH/APRIL issue!
> As before with MArch issue, it have CQWW RTTY results
> What will happen with CQWW SSB results that use to be on April issue?
> Maybe we will need to wait to middle May when MAY/JUNE issue is available?
> 73,
> Jorge
> 2014-01-30 18:52 GMT-02:00 Charles Harpole <hs0zcw at gmail.com>:
>> I do not want to make any dire judgments, but the Contesting community
>> depends heavily on the CQ Magazine and its extensive support for
>> contesting.  This wonderful service to ham radio must not be allowed to
>> wither in any way.
>> Let me suggest that the wealthy among hamdom begin a quiet discussion about
>> how ham radio can join together to keep this vital magazine and service
>> fully functional.  I am too retired to help financially, but there are deep
>> pockets, thankfully, among hamdom and what better way to keep ham radio
>> alive and well than to continue this magazine and its contesting services.*
>> Personally, I think that if ham radio can raise a HALF MILLION DOLLARS to
>> activate FT5Z for twenty days, surely this magazine, much more important
>> and long lasting for ham radio, can be continued.   Perhaps a foundation
>> can become the sponsor;  many wise heads here surely know how this can be
>> done financially.  Perhaps a digital distribution can be done (and take
>> free articles instead of paying for them, and other ideas).
>> This move can serve much more than contesters, but it sure does impact us.
>> Can we have some leadership on this matter?  73,
>> --
>> Charly, HS0ZCW
>> *QST bailed out on full contest servicing some time ago, remember?
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