[CQ-Contest] 356th annual K9PG Dayton Hooters party

Paul Gentry Paul at k9pg.com
Tue May 6 15:17:10 EDT 2014

May 15, 5pm
Hooters of Dayton
6851 Miller Lane,
Dayton, Ohio

For the last 355 years, I've hosted a party at the Dayton Hooters
(Centerville prior to the current QTH) on the Thursday night of Dayton..
and this year is no different!

As always, there will be FREE WINGS... and seeing as how the new General
Manager was one of our Hooters Girls / servers last year, she is very
familiar with our group and knows that we typically have a bill of over
$1000, 90% of it being beer, she's more than happy to make sure everyone is
satisfied in the wing department.

I'm moving the start time up to 5pm this year.... there's a Hooters Happy
Hour until 6pm.   So when you're done with Contest University, hop in your
car and head over.

Please make sure you let it be known that you have room in your car for
those who don't have a way to get there... there's always people needing a

As is the case every year, please be sure to dress up on your brightest
Hawaiian shirt & neon orange sport coat with yellow PJ pants.... and don't
forget a tie!   A pimp hat is a bonus.   At the very least, please put on a
Hawaiian shirt.  Your local GoodWill always has a great collection of them!
 The world famous PINK JACKET will be awarded to the best worst dressed....
or the best worst dressed!

No RSVP necessary, but it is encouraged.   Here's the facebook event.


SSTVers not welcome

Paul Gentry  K9PG  "The Great and Powerful DIPOLIO"
Paul (at) K9PG (dot) com

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