[CQ-Contest] Dayton excitement - Contester Activities

Tim Duffy k3lr at k3lr.com
Thu May 8 12:57:41 EDT 2014

One week from today Contest University Dayton will be in full swing. There
are still a few seats left.  
Look at the 2014 Dayton CTU Course Outline here:


Scholarships are available for CTU students 25 years old and younger thanks
to the Northern California DX Foundation. See the press release here:


Register and sign up for CTU here:


Your Contester plan to 2014 Dayton Activities is here:


2014 CQ Contest Hall of Fame announcements will occur at the 22nd Annual
Dayton Contest Dinner. Here is the web site:


Four nights of Contesters and DXers, Pizza parties, the Spurious Emissions
band and MORE - here is the web site:


The 25th Annual Top Band Dinner web site is here:


73 and CU in Dayton,
Tim K3LR

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