[CQ-Contest] UN1ZZZ/A?

Tim Shoppa tshoppa at gmail.com
Mon May 19 12:31:52 EDT 2014

UN1ZZZ/P (presumably portable is different than alternate) active in a few
recent IARU Region 1 Field Days as a club operation. Assume it's a club
call. Club calls are often poorly represented on qrz.com and other online

I do not think the /A is cut for /1. Probably closer to former UK callsign
/A requirement for operation at an alternate registered location.

I see EM80L/A, UN0L/A, UN1ZZZ/A, UN9L/A, and UY5ZZ/A in my logs in past few
years... Ukraine or Kazakhstan calls.

Not surprised so few reversebeacon spots for UN1ZZZ/A... oddball, unusual,
or "impossible" calls are often rejected by filtering.

Speaking of oddball, unusual, and impossible calls.... WPX is coming up
this weekend!!!

Tim N3QE

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