[CQ-Contest] 2014 CWopsT - 1900Z May 21 - All 3830 Claimed Scores 23May2014

n7wa at arrl.net n7wa at arrl.net
Fri May 23 14:58:28 EDT 2014

2014 CWopsT - 1900Z May 21 - All 3830 Claimed Scores 23May2014

Complete web listing of scores with clickable links to individual postings is available at: http://www.3830scores.com/currecscores.php?arg=61fqcEz7fgvqE

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: May 24, 2014
E-mail logs to: (none)
Mail logs to:
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://conteststations.com/

73 dink

Call               QSOs  Mlts   hr      Score Club
All Single Op HP
N4AF               110    74            8,140 PVRC
WJ9B                99    70     1      6,930 PVRC
K1BG                85    65     1      5,525 Nashoba Valley Amate
W6SX                85    60     1      5,100 NCCC
N5ZO                85    58     1      4,930 SCCC
F6HKA               88    56  0.50      4,928 
W4NZ                82    58     1      4,756 TCG
VE2FK               71    57     1      4,047 CG Que
VE3KI               72    55     1      3,960 CCO
F5IN                60    60     1      3,600 

K1GU                68    49     1      3,332 TCG
SM6CUK              60    50            3,000 
W5ASP               58    49     1      2,842 TDXS
NS9I                55    50    .8      2,750 BzDXCC
GW4J(GW0ETF)        52    48            2,496 
K1SM                54    42     1      2,268 
W1RM                43    39            1,677 
SM5ALJ              42    35   1.0      1,470 sk4dm
PA4N                43    34  1:00      1,462 
N5IR                43    34   1.0      1,462 DFWCG

F5MNK               43    33     1      1,419 
K1SE                40    34   1.0      1,360 PVRC
OH2BN               33    28     1        924 CWOPS
N8BJQ               30    23   :30        690 
K1ESE               25    23    .5        575 YCCC
W6JMP               26    16              416 
N3JT                20    20              400 

Call               QSOs  Mlts   hr      Score Club
All Single Op LP
NW2K                80    58     1      4,640 NCC
N5RR                70    63     1      4,410 
K3MD                59    49            2,891 
K5FP                60    45     1      2,700 CTDXCC
K1DW                52    45     1      2,340 Lou CC
W4VQ                50    41     1      2,050 
KG5U                50    40     1      2,000 CTDXCC
NW0M                48    41     1      1,968 Kansas City Contest 
W2GN                46    33     1      1,518 RDXA
VE3MGY              43    32     1      1,376 CCO

N4YDU               37    35   :35      1,295 PVRC
N4FP                36    32     1      1,152 FCG
SF3A(SM3CER)        38    30     1      1,140 TOEC
K4HQK               34    30     1      1,020 PVRC
FG8NY               36    28 00H45      1,008 
K0DTJ               33    30     1        990 
DJ1OJ               32    29     1        928 BCC
W0EJ                33    27     1        891 
K2UFT               27    26   .45        702 SECC
NN4K                28    24     1        672 SECC

K4JAZ               26    23     1        598 
G0IBN               24    23              552 
W9CC                24    21     1        504 
N1ZX                22    22              484 
SM6FKF              21    17     1        357 Falkopings Radioclub
NO5W                19    18     1        342 Lou CC
N7NM                18    18    .5        324 
AA2ZW               16    16   .15        256 NFR
WX7SJ               14    14    .5        196 
KA7T/M              12    12    .5        144 

Call               QSOs  Mlts   hr      Score Club
All Single Op QRP
AF9W                15    14     1        210 AOCC
K1SX                 8     8   10m         64 


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