[CQ-Contest] Year first licensed distribution from CW SS

Tim Shoppa tshoppa at gmail.com
Mon Nov 3 11:48:22 EST 2014

>From 882 unique calls in N3QE+K3PRC CW SS logs, a histogram of the "year
first licensed" exchange is below.

I'm guessing 1916, 1922, 1924, 1927 are
club-founded-or-first-club-member-years (correct me if I'm wrong!)

The cluster 1951-1980 is rather prominent with especially steep falloff
before 1951, and a very real shoulder (if not a complete falloff) post 1980.

I'm hoping the histogram survives unmangled by E-mail programs! Some
programs try to wrap my histograms into one paragraph or something.

yr cnt
-- ---
14  1 *
13  2 **
12  3 ***
11  4 ****
10  3 ***
09  0
08  2 **
07  2 **
06  0
05  7 *******
04  3 ***
03  3 ***
02  1 *
01  1 *
00  3 ***
99  3 ***
98  7 *******
97  4 ****
96  5 *****
95  4 ****
94  2 **
93  4 ****
92  4 ****
91  7 *******
90  5 *****
89  7 *******
88  6 ******
87  5 *****
86  9 *********
85  3 ***
84  5 *****
83  6 ******
82  7 *******
81  3 ***
80 15 ***************
79 17 *****************
78 22 **********************
77 27 ***************************
76 33 *********************************
75 17 *****************
74 16 ****************
73 18 ******************
72 22 **********************
71 22 **********************
70 18 ******************
69 32 ********************************
68 22 **********************
67 30 ******************************
66 16 ****************
65 23 ***********************
64 23 ***********************
63 29 *****************************
62 35 ***********************************
61 27 ***************************
60 28 ****************************
59 34 **********************************
58 28 ****************************
57 34 **********************************
56 19 *******************
55 28 ****************************
54 21 *********************
53  8 ********
52 11 ***********
51  7 *******
50  0
49  1 *
48  1 *
47  0
46  0
45  0
44  2 **
43  0
42  0
41  0
40  1 *
39  0
38  0
37  0
36  0
35  0
34  0
33  0
32  0
31  0
30  0
29  0
28  0
27  1 *
26  0
25  0
24  1 *
23  0
22  1 *
21  0
20  0
19  0
18  0
17  0
16  1 *
15  0

Tim N3QE

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