[CQ-Contest] OK-OM DX Contest This weekend

Karel Matousek ok1cf at atlas.cz
Thu Nov 6 08:10:25 EST 2014

2014 OK-OM DX Contest

Date: 2014-11-08 12:00 - 2014-11-09 12:00 UTC 
Mode: CW Only
Making QSO: OK/OL/OM stations contact non OK/OL/OM stations. Non OK/OL/OM stations contact OK/OL/OM stations. A station may be worked once per band.
Exchange: OK/OL/OM: RST + district abbreviation (e. g. 599 BPZ). Non OK/OL/OM: RST + progressive QSO number starting with 001
Multipliers: OK/OL/OM: prefixes following WPX rules on each band. Non OK/OL/OM: districts on each band
BAND: 1.8 through 28 MHz, except WARC bands.

Please browse the official web for more details


Please send your cabrillo log to: http://okomdx.crk.cz/index.php?page=send-log 
CRC HF Manager

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