[CQ-Contest] 10/15 interaction

Jim Brown k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Thu Nov 6 12:57:08 EST 2014

On Thu,11/6/2014 7:18 AM, Randall K Martin wrote:
> Here's my question.

I just studied the data myself. The W3NQN-designed 15M filters sold by 
Array Solutions are about 12dB better than the 15M Dunestar filters, 
ASSUMING that the Dunestar filter is properly aligned, and/or not blown. 
It's not uncommon for capacitors in the Dunestar and ICE filters to fry. 
The 4O3A 15M filter is not as good as the Dunestar, but it does operate 
on crap generated by the power amp.

73, Jim K9YC

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