[CQ-Contest] Fwd: Re: [multipsk] EURAO Party - Dec 20/21 2014: be digital, explore 30m

Paul Stoetzer n8hm at arrl.net
Tue Nov 18 13:34:17 EST 2014

Why do you want to stop an operating event on an underused band? It's
not a contest, there are no awards, there's no exchange. It's just an
event to get a critical mass of hams on the air to try different modes
on a different band.

Better to just listen to background noise all day instead.

I've got to ask...do you ever actually operate? All I see is you
complaining about something or another on various reflectors. Today
it's this operating event, a few months ago on AMSAT-BB it was
lamenting the lack of new linear LEO satellites despite 3 of them
being put into orbit over the past year (and I've never heard you on
any satellite anyway).


Paul, N8HM

On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 1:19 PM, Joe <nss at mwt.net> wrote:
> That what I meant.  I hope I did not come across as promoting this.  I'd
> like to stop it any way possible.
> But How?
> Joe WB9SBD
> Sig
> The Original Rolling Ball Clock
> Idle Tyme
> Idle-Tyme.com
> http://www.idle-tyme.com
> On 11/18/2014 11:00 AM, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:
>> Joe,
>>   IMHO, based on the description of this "operating event" included, and
>> applying the theory of "if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, swims
>> like a duck, eats like a duck, quacks like a duck and flies luck a duck,
>> then it's not a marlin"
>>   It's a contest.  It may be a "low key" event like many state QSO
>> parties, but it's a contest.
>>   It's a bad idea to do this on 30 meters, and I'd bet even money that the
>> organizers know this, or they wouldn't take such pains to tell everyone that
>> it's NOT a contest.
>> That all said... I'm not sure what we, as part of the contesting
>> community, can do about this.  Certainly we don't need to promote it.  But
>> outside of distancing ourselves from this event... although the contest
>> community will get blamed anyway... and telling the organizers that this is
>> a bad idea (a suggestion which, I suspect, they will be pre-disposed to
>> reject), I'm not sure what other actions we can take.
>>   73, ron w3wn
>> On 11/18/14, Joe wrote:
>> Should this be promoted?
>> It says not a Contest, well,, yeah, but it's a slippery slope for
>> sure. First this, then what, I already hear grumblings from NON
>> Contesters when a W1AW Portable station shows up on a WARC band or a
>> rare DX where it sounds just like a contest with the giant pile ups.
>> Should the amateur population pressure folk like this to NOT do stuff
>> like this?
>> Joe WB9SBD
>> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>> Subject: Re: [multipsk] EURAO Party - Dec 20/21 2014: be digital,
>> explore 30m
>> Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 00:54:05 -0500
>> From: blitz716 blitz716 at sonic.net [multipsk] <multipsk at yahoogroups.com>
>> Reply-To: multipsk at yahoogroups.com
>> To: multipsk at yahoogroups.com
>> I thought the WARC band were supposed to be free from this "CQ Nonsense"
>> contest BS?
>> dhobson123 at aol.com [multipsk] wrote:
>>> EURAO Party - Autumn 2014: be digital, explore 30m
>>> The European Radio Amateurs' Organization:
>>> http://www.eurao.org
>>> , together with the 30 Meter Digital Group: http://www.30MDG.org
>>> announce a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "be
>>> digital, explore 30m". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a
>>> radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them
>>> recommendations.
>>> Purpose: to promote this magnificent band, all digital modes, have fun
>>> and meet other hams all over the world. Of course also SWLing is welcome.
>>> Date & time: December 20th and 21st, 2014, Saturday and Sunday,
>>> 00:00-24:00 UTC.
>>> Bands & modes: these are the recommended modes/frequencies (+/-) for
>>> the 30m band: CW/10.100-10.130, SSTV-N/10.132 and 10.144,
>>> WSPR/10.1386, JT65/10.138-10.140, BPSK31/10.140-10.142,
>>> RTTY/10.142-10.145, ROS/10.144-10.145, FeldHELL/10.144! ,
>>> APRS/10.1491-10.1495 MHz. Tools: HamSpots, Band Chart.
>>> Exchange: because this is a QSO event, not a contest, you can talk
>>> about whatever you want, in any language, and for as long as you like.
>>> Here are some topic suggestions to get the conversation going: name,
>>> city, locator, weather, antennas, rigs, etc.
>>> go here for more details: http://www.eurao.org/en/node/639
>> __._,_.___
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