[CQ-Contest] PENALTY for dirty rigs (was handicap)

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Mon Oct 13 10:48:03 EDT 2014

On 13/10/2014 12:14, kr2q at optimum.net wrote:

> CQWW seems to have a lot more in mind than a "handicap." By the way, AFAI, in sports,
> a handicap can mean that you get some sort of advantage, not a penalty.
> Please see the link below, noting especially item A.5. (see text below
>      5. Signals with excessive bandwidth (e.g., splatter, clicks) or harmonics on other bands.

With this in mind, I spent some time searching for
stations with excessive bandwidth during the 2013
CQWW CW contest - my K3/P3 combination enables
visible and measurable confirmation of audible
key clicks.

I noted over 300 such "transgressions", some from
VERY well-known stations, and sent a detailed
log (with precise times and frequencies) to the
contest sponsor.  We know they have access to
recordings from a network of SDRs.

My report was acknowledged promptly, saying it
would be passed to the judging team.  The result,
11 weeks later in mid-February 2014, was

   "We took a listen to these with the SDR.
   Unfortunately the SDRs do not have great
   antennas so we can hear the stations, but
   not the key clicks you mention."

Apparently, not a single instance of key clicks
was verifiable and no action was taken.  It seems
there is neither the ability nor the resolve to
to enforce Rule A.5.

Paul EI5DI

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