[CQ-Contest] Caliphate of ISIS in CQWW SSB

Doug Renwick ve5ra at sasktel.net
Sun Oct 19 16:22:41 EDT 2014

Crimea is now a part of Russia and a part of Russia that was given to
Ukraine some time ago.

Is USA s occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan illegal?  How many American hams
have we worked from those countries?  Just be careful of where you are
pointing fingers.


I wasn't born in Saskatchewan, but I got here as soon as I could.

-----Original Message-----

How about a compromise: let Crimean hams op with whatever prefix they must,
but Crimea still counts for Ukraine?

I don't believe anybody's point is that Crimean hams should be kept off the
air or be excluded from WW. It's certainly not my point. 

But if every lawmaking authority in the world, save for Russia and perhaps
some tinpot dictatorships seeking favour with Russia, maintains that Russian
occupation of Crimea is illegal, thus not affecting Ukraine's rightful claim
to Crimea, who are we to argue? We're just a bunch of hobbyists. 

When Saddam seized Kuwait, would we have let a ham pretend to be in Iraq? 

73, Kelly

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