[CQ-Contest] more on Crimea discussion: Kosovo is not = Crimea

kr2q at optimum.net kr2q at optimum.net
Mon Oct 20 08:59:05 EDT 2014

Kostas said

I would say that CQ (and everyone other) must preserve what the United 
Nations say. I agree of course that a Ham wants just to be on the air 
and enjoy our hobby. But we can not accept a jungle's law where everyone 
does what he wants. As I know UN does not recognise Crimea as part of 
Russia at this moment. 

But CQ has a dirty nest, because has recognised Kossovo in the past while 
also United Nations does not recognise it.
[end snip]

Kostas: FYI
WAE/DARC recognized Kosovo.  See

As such, it was added as a multiplier for CQ contests.

de Doug KR2Q

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