[CQ-Contest] Excessive Bandwidth Rule

Oliver Dröse droese at necg.de
Tue Apr 14 18:12:31 EDT 2015

> My experience is that the majority of offenders ignore
> you when you politely inform them in the act.

Various experiences here, Barry.

UA9MA was 40 kHz wide on 10 m during WPX-SSB. When I told him he thanked 
me and re-tuned his PA so yes, he did take it serious. Problem was that 
even after re-tuning his PA he was still 30 kHz wide but was convinced 
he was perfectly clean now. :-(

CN3A as the second worst offender was 30 kHz wide and did not even react 
when telling them. :-(

Both s9+30 and RX'd with a K3, 2.1 kHz 8 pole roofing filter switched in 
& pre-amp off so I'm quite confident my RX was not the problem (which 
might be the case depending on the RX's people use, of course).

I did report a number of excessive bandwidth cases after CQ WW CW last 
year with exact times & frequencies as I was really pi**ed off by guys 
being 2 or 4 or even 10 kHz wide on CW (key clicks and/or sideband 
noise). :-( Besides a short "Thanks Olli. We will look into these." 
message no further feedback from the contest committee yet. Really 
curious to see if actions were taken on the stations reported. If not 
than the rule is nothing else than empty words ...

And I hope the committee is not hiding behind sentences like "we did 
check it on our SDR recording but the signal was only s3 there and 
'normal bandwidth' so we could not verify". At s9+20 on a real antenna 
(and not just a 1 m long whip/active antenna on an SDR) it was not clean.

If it would help to send in screenshots of those wide signals for 
evidence and according actions would be taken I would even be willing to 
buy a pan-adapter and make screenshots during the contest to assist to 
clean our bands from those crappy signals. But a clear commitment of the 
committee is needed that they do so before I'm going to spend money I 
otherwise would not invest, of course.

73, Olli - DH8BQA


Contest, DX & radio projects: http://www.dh8bqa.de

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