[CQ-Contest] Plaques

Ray Fallen ray.fallen at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 07:08:42 EDT 2015

Re:  2014 CQ-WW RTTY Plaques
        2015 CQ-WPX RTTY Plaques
        2014 Ten Meter RTTY Contest Plaques

First of all, mea MAXIMA culpa.  I am way behind on soliciting plaque
sponsors for the above
referenced contests.  Sorry guys, professional and other personal
responsibilities have
taken preference.  Like most of you, I wish I had more time to play radio
and take care
of other radio related responsibilities.

That being said, I am hoping to hear from potential sponsors for these
three contests
in the very near future.  To the extent possible, I will be able to deliver
plaques to the
RTTY Contest Dinner at the Dayton Hamvention in May.

If you or your organization are interested in sponsoring a plaque for this
contest cycle,
please drop me an e-mail ASAP.  If you'd like to purchase a plaque
your personal contest accomplishment or that of your Team, please let me
know.  That
would apply to current contests and prior year's contests.

That's the bad news.

The good news is that through a little negotiation with our plaque vendor
and freight
provider, I am happy to announce a small price decrease, going forward.

Plaques to be delivered CONUS will now be $60.00 each.  Plaques to be
outside CONUS will be $70.00 each.  That's a $5.00 decrease per plaque.

My PayPal account is nd8l at arrl.org.

PLEASE make sure you include sufficient funds to cover the PayPal fees.
* If the*

*net amount of your remittance is less than the $60.00 or $70.00 cost, it
will be returned*

*to you.  There will be no exceptions.*
Hope to see many of you at WW4LL's RTTY Contest Dinner in May...it was a
great time
last year.  You don't want to miss it.

Thank you and 73...

Ray - ND8L

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