[CQ-Contest] Time For Some Theme Contests!

Zack Widup w9sz.zack at gmail.com
Fri Apr 24 16:43:21 EDT 2015

Whatever happened to the Frostbite Falls Beach Party?

73, Zack W9SZ

On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 1:00 PM, John Miller <webaron at gmail.com> wrote:

> All this talk about money, prizes, and younger folks has got me thinking
> again.
> Maybe it's time to rejuvenate us old farts with some new contest
> challenges.
> Are you getting tired of the same old contest routine?
> Same old exchanges?  Same old function keys?  Same old Cabrillo file?
> Well, I think it's time for some "Theme Contests" with exciting new rules
> -- like these:
> A 30s theme for CQ WW WPX SSB
> The verbal Exchange will be "59-Brother Can You Spare A Dime" --- followed
> by a serial number beginning with 30.
> A 40s theme for ARRL DX SSB:
> For this AM-optional mode contest, you must sing the Exchange to the tune
> of "Stormy Weather".
> A 50s theme for ARRL June VHF:
> For this mobile-only contest, all QSOs must take place from a Classic Car,
> preferably a convertible.  Photo must be attached to your Cabrillo file.
> A 60s theme for the California QSO Party:
> You must use a Bean Bag chair, wear John Lennon glasses, and confirm all
> QSOs with "Groovy".
> A 70s theme for ARRL Field Day
> You must use phonetics in your callsign from your favorite 70's Band.
> Mine will be K-6-Mama-Mia.
> An 80s theme for NAQP SSB:
> Exchange is one of these Valley Speak terms:  "Whatever", "Bitchin",
> "Totally", "Gnarly", "Tubular" or "Fer Shur"  + the closest Ham Radio
> Outlet Grid Square.
> A 90s theme for ARRL Sweepstakes:
> For your Check, you must use the two digits of the year you first realized
> that ham radio was threatening your marriage or relationship.
> A 00s theme for NA Sprint CW:
> A Skimmer only contest, you may only operate this contest using an
> FCC-approved Robotic arm to send exchanges and must log all QSOs with a #2
> medium soft pencil and yellow ruled paper.
> I'm starting to get excited.  : >)
> 73,
> John K6MM
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