Stephen Bloom sbloom at acsalaska.net
Fri Dec 11 15:00:35 EST 2015

Hi Brian:

Wondering where you are looking for the groups ...I can't find any on Google Groups ..On Yahoo Groups I find ..

"TS570_590 Group" which has only 7 members ...which to me would indicate that it is dead
"TS-590Net" which seems to relate to an on the air net of TS590 owners.  Has 217 members ..but last posting was in October.

Steve KL7SB

-----Original Message-----
From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of brian coyne
Sent: Friday, December 11, 2015 9:46 AM
To: CQ-Contest Reflector <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] kENWOOD TS590 YAHOO USER GROUP.

I recently obtained one of these rigs and applied to subscribe for membership. I just received a reply as follows.....

>>> Your request to join the KenwoodTS-590 group was not approved.
>>> The moderator of each Yahoo! group chooses whether to restrict 
>>> membership in the group. Moderators who choose to restrict 
>>> membership also choose whom to admit.

As our hobby is all about sharing knowledge and helping each other I do find this response surprising to say the least and a distinct lack of courtesy in failing to give a reason for the declination .

Is anyone able to tell me who is the strange minded person who is the moderator of this group as, I presume, they (he) are USA based and why they should adopt such a restrictive undesirable policy which most certainly does not subscribe to the Ham Spirit.

 73  Brian 5B4AIZ / C4Z - who has fingers crossed for some propagation  to USA this weekend for the ARRL 10m  Contest.
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