[CQ-Contest] CQ WW Survey results - part 1

David Gilbert xdavid at cis-broadband.com
Fri Dec 18 14:25:05 EST 2015

Personally, I think it's simply a matter of effectiveness.  CW allows 
far more QSOs in the same space with less irritating clutter, and CW is 
more effective in working a new multiplier (or a new country for those 
chasing outside awards) on weak paths.

It isn't even particularly important to be able send and receive CW very 
well to appreciate the difference.  Spots give you the other guy's 
callsign and exchange (for CQWW) and logging programs do the sending for 

For an average station, there are advantages to CW that go beyond 
personal preference.

Dave  AB7E

On 12/18/2015 2:22 AM, Stan Stockton wrote:
> Another take on this....
> For those who were required to know CW (send and receive perfectly for a minute at 20 WPM to get an extra class license) CW is their favorite mode by a big margin.  For the group that either did not have to know CW at all or only had to pass a multiple choice test at some slow speed, SSB is more likely to be their choice.
> We don't know that this is true by the results posted, but my guess is that if you surveyed the younger people who are capable of operating CW proficiently, their preference by a good margin would also be CW.
> I think it has little to do with age and more to do with what you have mastered.  Kudos to those who were not required to  know CW but mastered it anyway.  Their overall enjoyment of the hobby is heightened over those who have not.
> 73...Stan, K5GO
>> On Dec 17, 2015, at 4:34 PM, John Reilly <ReillyJF at comcast.net> wrote:
>> At the moment, CW is the favorite contest operating mode; however, if you look at the Favorite Mode by Age graph, this isn't true for hams less than 40 years old. I think as we get new (younger) hams into contesting, CW will not maintain it dominance. I predict SSB, and especially Data modes, will increase in popularity.
>>   - 73, John, N0TA
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