[CQ-Contest] CQ WW Survey Results - part 2

W0MU w0mu at w0mu.com
Thu Dec 31 01:25:26 EST 2015

Quite the leap of faith Ken.  Just remove contacts because you think 
something might have happened?

Been to many witch hunts lately?

On 12/30/2015 2:37 PM, Ken Low wrote:
> W0MU wrote:
> "So if my Son W0TOL works only me in a contest I get penalized or I get my friends that don't normally work contests to get on and work me and they choose to work only me I should get penalized?"
> Yes definitely - that's poor sportsmanship, and a contest director would logically assume you had encouraged it.
> That's usually grounds for disqualification.
> Ken KE3X
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