[CQ-Contest] NAQP CW Op Name - Je suis Charlie

Zack Widup w9sz.zack at gmail.com
Tue Jan 13 11:46:37 EST 2015

Well, it doesn't say "REAL operator name." Maybe I could use "Zack Attack"
because quite a few of my friends actually call me that.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 9:09 AM, Greg <ab7r at cablespeed.com> wrote:

> Another reason why I don't think this practice is correct is in the rules
> for the contest:
> 10. *Exchange*: Operator name and station location (state, province or
> country) for North American stations; operator name only for non-North
> American stations.
> If your name is Ed and you send Carl, you are not giving the operator's
> name.  Though obviously nobody in the contest committee seems to care.
> Greg
> On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 6:52 AM, <w5gn at mxg.com> wrote:
> > I had planned to wait until after the contest deadline to share this
> > experience with you but now that it's been well publicized, there is no
> > reason to wait.
> >
> > Contest weekend was superb.  This was the ten-hour North American QSO
> > Party, in which the exchange is your NAME and STATE/PROVINCE/COUNTRY,
> > limited to 100 watts (which is really well obeyed in this one contest!!).
> > You can pick your name - one Mexican is always LOCO - and frequently,
> hams
> > will all use the name of a "SK" - "Silent Key" in memory, and this time
> > there were over 50 stations using CARL, for a good friend, Carl Cook, who
> > died a week or so ago.
> >
> >
> > First of all, that's LONG compared to BOB/JIM etc  (but I can remember
> our
> > son Nathaniel Lee's early papers with his NATHAN across the top and the
> I E
> > L going down the side of the page).
> >
> > So I didn't "RUN" and call CQ (since then a nice guy calling to give ME a
> > point would have the unexpected challenge of that long and
> > maybe-not-recognizable-when-you-are-writing-it-down-a-letter-at-a-time.
> >
> > Instead, I  "Search and Pounced" (NO INTERNET SPOTTING IN THIS CONTEST)
> > tuning to find a station that was calling CQ, but I'd also listen to see
> if
> > he had a "pileup" of callers, and I waited until he had at least two
> > unanswered CQs before making  my call.  I'd also note how fast he was
> > sending, and set my CW speed to match his.
> >
> > Most fun, were the hot-hots sending at 40 wpm (which is about as fast as
> > 99% can copy), who are supposed to be able to COPY EXACTLY WHAT WAS SENT
> > for the name, and who couldn't handle the 13 characters at their own
> speed,
> > who'd come back with "??"
> > so I'd drop the speed by 9 wpm and resend, and they'd still not get it,
> so
> > I sent a stored message at only 18 wpm with a full space between each
> > letter, and a dozen hot-shots still needed a third or fourth repeat.
> >
> > As a group, the most accurate were the VERY SLOW CQ'ers, sending at 12-15
> > wpm.  When I sent the spaced name at that same speed, almost everyone had
> > the name on the first transmission! At that speed mentally you still are
> > sending letters rather than words and the slow users are thus expecting
> to
> > hear letters and not words and thus that they didn't know JE SUIS is
> French
> > didn't confuse them.
> >
> > I had two fast stations reply "NIL" - Not In Log - when I sent the name -
> > my presumption is they did copy and didn't like the message or length,
> and
> > one station did say the name was too long.
> >
> > I had another five or six that tried several times, but who politely gave
> > up with a 73 SORRY (I think signal rather than CW was the problem), and
> > there were a handful that just QSY'd from their RUN frequency without a
> > reply after I sent the exchange a couple of times.
> >
> > BUT::: I had 50 out of 350 QSOs who made specific responses, including
> Merci),
> > and similar expressions.
> >
> > In case you didn't know Merrill comes from the French merle for the Black
> > Birds that were common to the area near the Swiss border from whence they
> > came, until the St. Bartholomew Day's Massacre in 1582 (Catholics killing
> > Huguenots) drove them from France to England until 1630 when Nathaniel
> came
> > to Newburyport, MA, in 1630.
> >
> >
> > 73
> >
> >
> > Barry Merrill, W5GN
> >
> > After the contest, I looked into the issue of the Cabrillo Format for the
> > NAME.
> > The Cabrillo format does NOT specify if fields are fixed length or not,
> > but the template for the
> > NAQP does show 10 positions for NAME, although there is NO statement in
> > the RULES of the maximum
> > NAME length).
> > However, the NAQP robot (and perhaps other or all robots) actually treat
> > the Cabrillo data as
> > variable length fields, delimited by a space, so I think it depends
> > totally on your logging
> > program's choice as to how many characters of what you entered for NAME
> is
> > output in the
> > Cabrillo file.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
> > Fred Kleber
> > Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 11:16 AM
> > To: CQ-Contest at contesting.com
> > Subject: [CQ-Contest] NAQP CW Op Name - Je suis Charlie
> >
> > In the recent NAQP contest, there was a station who used 'JESUISCHARLIE'
> > for his name.  This name is too long to fit in the standard Cabrillo
> field
> > for operator name.  I submitted my log with what I copied for a name,
> even
> > though it makes the QSO line longer than permitted by Cabrillo format.
> Any
> > idea how the contest organizers will score this?  KL9A - Are you on the
> > reflector?
> >
> > 73,
> > Fred, NP2X
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