[CQ-Contest] NAQP CW Op Name - Je suis Charlie
K4XS via CQ-Contest
cq-contest at contesting.com
Tue Jan 13 13:48:45 EST 2015
I really don't see what the big deal is about names. Back in the early
part of the century, guys were giving out Rumplestiltskin, Snowwhite, grumpy
etc. One year many guys used a popular SK's name. Right after the 2000
election we in FL, decided we would all be "Chad". I never heard one person
bitch about any of the names used.
My real name is Wilbert, but I never go by that. That is my real name, am
I supposed to use it? I assume guys are gonna be PO.ed if a guy used Skip
or Gator? Can't we find something else more useful discuss than this
trivial PC crap.
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
K4XS/KH7XS (My name for some NA contests was "Aloha". Shame on me for
using that.)
In a message dated 1/13/2015 3:39:36 P.M. Coordinated Universal Time,
ab7r at cablespeed.com writes:
Another reason why I don't think this practice is correct is in the rules
for the contest:
10. *Exchange*: Operator name and station location (state, province or
country) for North American stations; operator name only for non-North
American stations.
If your name is Ed and you send Carl, you are not giving the operator's
name. Though obviously nobody in the contest committee seems to care.
On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 6:52 AM, <w5gn at mxg.com> wrote:
> I had planned to wait until after the contest deadline to share this
> experience with you but now that it's been well publicized, there is no
> reason to wait.
> Contest weekend was superb. This was the ten-hour North American QSO
> Party, in which the exchange is your NAME and STATE/PROVINCE/COUNTRY,
> limited to 100 watts (which is really well obeyed in this one contest!!).
> You can pick your name - one Mexican is always LOCO - and frequently,
> will all use the name of a "SK" - "Silent Key" in memory, and this time
> there were over 50 stations using CARL, for a good friend, Carl Cook, who
> died a week or so ago.
> First of all, that's LONG compared to BOB/JIM etc (but I can remember
> son Nathaniel Lee's early papers with his NATHAN across the top and the
> L going down the side of the page).
> So I didn't "RUN" and call CQ (since then a nice guy calling to give ME a
> point would have the unexpected challenge of that long and
> maybe-not-recognizable-when-you-are-writing-it-down-a-letter-at-a-time.
> Instead, I "Search and Pounced" (NO INTERNET SPOTTING IN THIS CONTEST)
> tuning to find a station that was calling CQ, but I'd also listen to see
> he had a "pileup" of callers, and I waited until he had at least two
> unanswered CQs before making my call. I'd also note how fast he was
> sending, and set my CW speed to match his.
> Most fun, were the hot-hots sending at 40 wpm (which is about as fast as
> 99% can copy), who are supposed to be able to COPY EXACTLY WHAT WAS SENT
> for the name, and who couldn't handle the 13 characters at their own
> who'd come back with "??"
> so I'd drop the speed by 9 wpm and resend, and they'd still not get it,
> I sent a stored message at only 18 wpm with a full space between each
> letter, and a dozen hot-shots still needed a third or fourth repeat.
> As a group, the most accurate were the VERY SLOW CQ'ers, sending at 12-15
> wpm. When I sent the spaced name at that same speed, almost everyone had
> the name on the first transmission! At that speed mentally you still are
> sending letters rather than words and the slow users are thus expecting
> hear letters and not words and thus that they didn't know JE SUIS is
> didn't confuse them.
> I had two fast stations reply "NIL" - Not In Log - when I sent the name -
> my presumption is they did copy and didn't like the message or length,
> one station did say the name was too long.
> I had another five or six that tried several times, but who politely gave
> up with a 73 SORRY (I think signal rather than CW was the problem), and
> there were a handful that just QSY'd from their RUN frequency without a
> reply after I sent the exchange a couple of times.
> BUT::: I had 50 out of 350 QSOs who made specific responses, including
> and similar expressions.
> In case you didn't know Merrill comes from the French merle for the Black
> Birds that were common to the area near the Swiss border from whence they
> came, until the St. Bartholomew Day's Massacre in 1582 (Catholics killing
> Huguenots) drove them from France to England until 1630 when Nathaniel
> to Newburyport, MA, in 1630.
> 73
> Barry Merrill, W5GN
> After the contest, I looked into the issue of the Cabrillo Format for the
> The Cabrillo format does NOT specify if fields are fixed length or not,
> but the template for the
> NAQP does show 10 positions for NAME, although there is NO statement in
> the RULES of the maximum
> NAME length).
> However, the NAQP robot (and perhaps other or all robots) actually treat
> the Cabrillo data as
> variable length fields, delimited by a space, so I think it depends
> totally on your logging
> program's choice as to how many characters of what you entered for NAME
> output in the
> Cabrillo file.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
> Fred Kleber
> Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 11:16 AM
> To: CQ-Contest at contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] NAQP CW Op Name - Je suis Charlie
> In the recent NAQP contest, there was a station who used 'JESUISCHARLIE'
> for his name. This name is too long to fit in the standard Cabrillo
> for operator name. I submitted my log with what I copied for a name,
> though it makes the QSO line longer than permitted by Cabrillo format.
> idea how the contest organizers will score this? KL9A - Are you on the
> reflector?
> 73,
> Fred, NP2X
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