[CQ-Contest] NAQP CW Op Name - Je suis Charlie

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Tue Jan 13 16:06:23 EST 2015

And the same is true of DXers and DXpeditioners.  There used to be some 
very famous DXpeditioners who were clueless if you sent anything to them 
other than your call and "599."  And sometimes what you are sending to 
them is to try to help them.  Such as to tell them that their XIT is on 
(as evidenced that they QSY to the frequency of each station they answer 
and aren't making any or many two-way QSOs).

It does pay to know how to copy CW other than the standard QSO.  I am 
reminded at the start of two big DX contests when two famous DXers, 
probably operating SO2R with the monitor turned off were calling CQ with 
one call and sending TU with another call.  I don't know which call the 
stations who worked them before me logged, but I told them and, although 
it took a few repeats, they both figured it out and changed the TU 
message to be consistent with the CQ message.  This is one reason that I 
always leave the monitor on even though turned way down and even when 
doing SO2R.  Unlike a few I have known, I am not confident that I will 
always hit the right F key on the computer (or  when using N1MM that the 
computer will send what I expect it to send when depressing a certain F 
key).  Anyway, if you must turn your monitor off, at least go through 
all your F keys before the contest and make sure they are sending what 
you expect them to send and not something from some prior contest.  And 
if you are using N1MM, you need to do that in both run and s&p modes.

73, John, K4BAI.

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