[CQ-Contest] N1MM Statistics

VK4TS Trent Sampson vk4ts at outlook.com
Tue Jan 13 16:45:36 EST 2015

At VK4KW we use N1MM and really like it and with 2015 upon us are setting up
a change to N1MM+ 


One of the bugbears I have with N1MM when running a contest (multi op) is
individual operator data. 


For example in a multi op the run rate shows an individual op but the tally
is all ops - Unless some people really can do 11 contacts per minute. 


This is via the tools max rates tab - 


Is there a work around to get those 1Min 10min 1 hour rates for individual
ops on the fly  ? 


Do we need to run additional software ? 




Is there any way of personalising the CW messages ? The F buttons to
individual ops eg some may like to send TU Callsign whereas others may
prefer TU only - just as an example - not the leading edge of an argument on


Look forward to the responses






Trent Sampson


Po Box 275 Mooloolaba QLD 4557 

Mobile 0408497550


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