[CQ-Contest] Announcing the North America SSB Sprint-boycott from "MAR"

Paul Stoetzer n8hm at arrl.net
Sat Jan 24 10:15:02 EST 2015

By the way, unlike Mike, I have no problems with sections being used as the
multipliers in ARRL Sweepstakes or ARRL 160, but I don't like DC being
lumped in with Maryland in contests where states are multipliers (nor do I
approve of it being lumped in with Maryland for WAS). There's no good
reason to do so. DC stands on it's own as a completely separate political
entity from Maryland.


Paul, N8HM

On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 8:18 PM, Radio K0HB <kzerohb at gmail.com> wrote:

> You need to boycott RAC.  They set up the sections in Canada.
> SS has always used sections as mults, not states or provinces.
> MDC is a Section, MAR is a Section.  So are WNY, WTX, WV, WY, and WCF.
> On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 3:51 PM, Mike & Coreen Smith VE9AA
> <ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca> wrote:
> > This is no slight to the fine fellows of the Sprint, nor my many FB
> friends
> > in "contesting land",
> > but please read my comments re: "MAR".(found in your rules).my opinions
> are
> > those of most of the members of MCC, so
> > although I won't officially speak "for them", you can rest assured most
> of
> > them feel the same way.
> > I have now rec'd 3 direct emails re: the Sprints, so feel I can comment
> > publicly on this as I am being targeted to get on and be active.
> > ==================
> >
> > Bob/Chris/Dean et al, VE9=NB, VE1=NS, and VY2=PEI.has been since
> 1993.there
> > is no such thing as a Maritime contest section except in the minds of the
> > ARRL for Sweepstakes and evidently the NA Sprints. (all others allow
> > provinces)
> > Even in our own RAC contests, we are allowed to use our respective
> > provinces.
> >
> > You may wonder why participation in (All) Sprints is so extremely low
> from
> > (ahem) what you call "MAR"...now you know.  Participation is historically
> > low for any contest which forces us to use an arbitrary multiplier
> lumping 3
> > official provinces together.  I know, I have checked.
> >
> > Please change the rules to reflect what 98% of other contests allow
> > (everyone to send their own province) and I will bet you a cold 807
> activity
> > levels will go up.  I myself will make it a point to get on for every
> one.
> >
> > With respect, but I will be boycotting this contest (and all Sprints),
> > SS and the CaQP probably forever until it changes.
> >
> > Mike VE9AA
> > p.s.- As promised, I passed the message along to the MCC group, but you
> can
> > realistically expect a low turnout - sorry.
> > p.p.s- I mean, you wouldn't expect a section to be created that combined
> RI,
> > DE and ME and call it RIDE ME, now would you?  Who would want to compete
> in
> > that?
> > p.p.p.s-My other option is to get on, participate and send "NB" but
> that's
> > just being evil.  I don'\t want to mess up everyones logs, I just want
> > fairness across the board.
> >
> > Mike dit dit
> >
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