[CQ-Contest] Announcing the North America SSB Sprint-boycott from "MAR"

David Siddall hhamwv at gmail.com
Sat Jan 24 12:19:33 EST 2015


Exactly right!  Sections as multipliers in SS are consistent, but NAQP and
Sprint multipliers are inconsistent, illogical, and appear based merely
upon an individual's (or individuals') whims that lack geopolitical reality
or knowledge with no understanding of incentives.

Being geopolitically consistent and correct -- as are all other contests
with which I am familiar -- has no downsides.

Take the example of Mexican states, which are multipliers in the 10 meter
contest.  Great!  I never hear many of them, but I got educated as to their
political boundaries, any of them that I find helps my score, and there are
more XE stations in the contest than before.  I have the same chance of
finding them as anyone else in my geographic area. There's no downside,
whether or not they are active most of the time -- and they present contest
expedition opportunities for the adventurous.

D.C. is the same -- what a surprise when W1AW/3 showed up in the last ten
meter contest in addition to KE3X, N8HM, W3HAC, W3DQ & NN3RP -- all in D.C.

73,  Dave K3ZJ

On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 8:01 PM, Paul Stoetzer <n8hm at arrl.net> wrote:

> This contest doesn't use sections as multipliers. It just randomly combines
> a couple of the Canadian areas. Plus it lumps DC in with Maryland.
> "Scoring: Multiply total valid contacts by the sum of the US states,
> Canadian multipliers (see below), and other North American countries to get
> final score (do not count US and Canada as countries). The District of
> Columbia counts as Maryland. KH6 DOES count as a state in this contest,
> even though it is not a North American country. The eight Canadian
> multipliers are Maritime (VE1, VE9, VO1, VO2, and VY2); VE2 through VE7,
> and Yukon-Northern Territories (VY1, VYØ, and VE8). Non-North American
> countries do not count as multipliers but do count for
> contact credit for North American stations."
> This is overly complex and doesn't make much sense. Sweepstakes' use of
> sections (including MAR and MDC) is consistent and logical. This is not
> (and neither is NAQP's lumping of DC in with Maryland).
> 73,
> Paul, N8HM
> On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 6:58 PM, Ron Notarius W3WN <wn3vaw at verizon.net>
> wrote:
> > C'mon Mike, not this again.
> >
> > Look, if you feel that there shouldn't be a Maritime Section in the RAC,
> > and
> > can convince them of that, I'm all for it!
> >
> > But this is an administrative decision of RAC.

<   >

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