[CQ-Contest] His Majesty The King of Spain CW Contest 2015 Results

EC1KR jesus.ec1kr at gmail.com
Thu Jun 18 16:40:40 EDT 2015

Dear Contesters

Thanks for your participation in the His Majesty The King of Spain CW Contest 2015. 

We inform you that the final results and PDF certificates are available at http://concursos.ure.es/en/s-m-el-rey-de-espana-cw/resultados/

We have also updated the Annual HF Championship 2015 scores:

We hope to see you again 27 and 28 May in His Majesty The King of Spai SSB Contest 2015: http://concursos.ure.es/en/s-m-el-rey-de-espana-ssb/

73 - URE HF Contest Commitee
hf at ure.es


73 de EC1KR Jesus

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