[CQ-Contest] Why don't JAs report scores on the 3830 web site?

Katsuhiro Kondou kondou at voyackey.net
Mon Jun 22 21:56:56 EDT 2015

In article <558893D2.3020806 at comcast.net>,
	Barry <w2up at comcast.net> wrote,
	on "Mon, 22 Jun 2015 17:01:38 -0600";

> I was looking at the AA CW contest scores reported on 3830scores.com
> and noted not one JA score listed there.  Going to the JARL logs
> received page, there are 100+ JA logs already sent in.  Odd?

Not for only AA, JAs on 3830 are very limited.  There are some reasons (but not
only for these, I believe).

- don't know 3830
- don't think it's deserved for part time entrants
- language barrier
- humbleness
- secretiveness

There is a contest reflector for Japanese hosted by JE1CKA since 1994, and for some
periods, there used to be also postings mostly like 3830.  But I've hardly seen any
postings like this on the reflector except from me :-), since I was back in the
contesting world on 2011.

Here comes the short story for last weekend.  I was in as one of operators at
JE1CKA(M/M), and operated most of 15m.  There were six operators at the beginning,
but there were four for the last 12 hours.  AA is much more tough for me than other
single operator participations as JH1GBZ.  This is because there is no actual shift
schedule, and each operator is expected to work as hard as possible :-).  So, it's
very difficult to plan my operating sched even just one minute before the contest.
The shack is located on the top of mountain near Tokyo, but most of operators come
at early morning on Saturday(it begins at 9am in JA).  For the AA operation at JE1CKA,
I usually wake up on 4:30am and take the first train.  But each of operators has
his life and work, and I slept at 1am on Saturday this time.  So, the fight against
sleepiness during the contest from the beginning is a regular routine.  This time,
we had two yagis for 15m.  One for fixed to Eu, and another is stacked with 10m.
This helped much, since Eu and NA opened at the same time during most of the night.
Before, we needed to beam to the north with one antenna, but there were the case I
wanted to turn directly to each direction respectively.  As for the propagation, NA
was widely opened just from 4am on Sunday(JST).  But on Monday(JST), it was quite
tough for the last 5 hours.  The band looked opened, but only worked stations were
on.  It was 15Q/hr for that period :-<.  We worked over 1500Qs on 15m with over 100

I'm not sure Tack will post like the above on 3830 this time.
Katsuhiro 'Don' Kondou, JH5GHM

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