[CQ-Contest] FOXHUNT Summer Season opener

Dale Putnam daleputnam at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 30 20:26:04 EDT 2015

The Game Warden, has done due diligence... and finally buckled to extreme pressure,
has agreed to allowing the FOXHUNT to proceed this Thursday, in the 20 acre wood.
The commencement celebration will kick off at 0100z Friday morning (GMT) or 7pm MT Thursday evening,
somewhere between the two trees - 14.050 and 14.070... with two outstanding FOX to be pursued,
caught, and de-pelted. De Pelts consist of exchanging RST SPC (state, providence, or country) op name and power
all this is to be accomplished with 5watts or less.  Sometimes much less... but if an insurance or LOW PWR pelt is
requested, please be use courtesy, and avoid taking FOX time when other Hounds haven't tree'd him yet.

If you want to check up the official rules.. click on - http://www.qrpfoxhunt.org/summer_rules.htm
and when you get a chance, say thanks to the Colorado Qrp Club for all their support!!

May the Prop Princess smile upon us all!!

Have a great hunt, 
--...   ...--
Dale - WC7S in Wy

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